Frequent questions

Answer to frequently asked questions

We have seen that there is availability for the dates that interest us. How can we formalize the reservation?

You can send an email or complete the form on the contact page. It is necessary to confirm the dates and number of people who will be staying as well as pay the reservation deposit.

How much is the deposit for the accommodation reservation?

The deposit for reservations of a minimum of 30% of the value of the reservation and must be paid as a reservation.

In the event of finally not being able to attend, is it possible to recover the deposit?

Yes, cancellations are accepted for reservations up to 4 months before the arrival date.

We have reserved for a group of confirmed people. Is it possible to invite more people to spend the day?

The farmhouse is only reserved for the hired group of people. Any additional person must be notified to the property in advance to have proof and to consider the reservation.

Is it possible to contract additional services to the accommodation?

We work exclusively with suppliers that respect the environment of the farmhouse. For any additional needs they must inform the property to assess their convenience.

Will we have access to the entire farmhouse?

To know the rooms you can count it is necessary to know the dates and the number of people, since the most convenient rooms will be assigned for each time of the year.

Will we share the space with more people?

The villa is reserved for a single group at the same time. Likewise, we will be attentive to those you may need and we will let you exclusively enjoy the privacy of the space.

Is it possible to use the pool and barbecue on the date that we come?

Being outside the pool will be closed for use in the winter months, however you can enjoy the barbecue and the garden every month of the year.

For any other questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to get in touch by sending an email to or through the contact form.